Don’t Stop Now

I want to talk to you about freedom. I want to talk about freedom from the bondage of self. And I say self, as in the I, me, the individual and the personal nature of one’s own life. I want to encourage movement because otherwise, there is only the stagnant nature of...

To Move Beyond It

The one thing I know and that I’ve known for a while is that we often grip the details of our past. Whether this is regret or pain or sins from an old self; or whether this is the inability to get away from old thinking or old responses, I know what this is like. I...

Mental Jam Session

How long ago was it? Or even if it was long ago, still, the question becomes, “Did it really happen?” I swear the past is a thousand years ago or equally as good. There was a time when everything was different. For example, I saw a young girl using an outdated flip...

A Little Thing About Slander

The saying goes that when the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. And this fits us now, that rather than debate a fact or hear an opinion about a person, place or thing; people dive into ad hominem attacks in which we attack character or motives...

From Choices: Don’t Go At It Alone

I get it. It’s the stressors in life. It’s the little crazy details that keep us thinking. Or better yet, this is what keeps us awake. Am I right?One thought leads to two and then two to four, four to sixteen and then sixteen to oblivion.Next thing we know; there we...

And So It Goes

And so it goes . . . We’ve been here before. We’ve been through tough times. We’ve seen harder days and better ones too. But hey, this is life and there are no guarantees. The second show is never the same as the first but then again, you only get one shot. So, there...